Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What I've Learned
I've learned a lot these past few years
Through my fake smiles and unseen tears
That friends sometimes aren't forever
that true love doesn't always last
And happy memories stay with you
but those happy moments go by fast

Words can cut deeper than any sword
Leaving you with something
That no man could replace or ever afford
Sometimes things happen,
Sometimes your heart will break
Though to feel real happiness this is what's at stake
In order to have the comfort of heaven
and your story to live to tell
You must also experience the hate-filled life of hell

Remember . . . There will always be someone there
Someone that honestly does care
A person can leave your life
Leave you alone with your worries and strife
But like pain, the love you once felt cannot from your body depart
but only may enter your heart

Don't worry someday it will all get better
Your mornings will grow joyful with someone to love
And you'll have the kind of life you thought you could only dream of

I've been there before with my head in my hands
Believing there's no way anyone could ever understand
But they do . . . trying everything they can to help you
Still you sit there unknowing and blind
To what soon you'll be glad to find.


Biscuits Of Love
Memories of my youth.
Flood over my soul.
When I think of Grandma.
They make me feel whole.
Gathering at her house.
With all the family there.
We made lots of memories.
For all of us to share.

Lessons that she taught me.
Guide me thru the day.
If I listened closely.
I cannot go astray.
Love and commitment.
She drilled into me.
Making the person that I am.
Just who I want to be.

Grandma has many names.
Each one has their chosen.
But the names I want her called
Starts with love,
For she is warm and not frozen.


In some sense, it could be argued a category about Life is a vague, nebulous cop-out. Any poem ever penned by Man or Woman would surely gain ready admittance here. All poems, almost by definition, are about Life.
But don't, for a moment, think that makes this category any less important. On the contrary, if the poems and topics you are about to explore are about Life, then they are also about you.
No one person can ever experience all that life has to offer. It is only through sharing - experiences, feelings, insights - that we can hope to grow beyond our own meager lifetime. Are you ready to grow today?
Let the countdown begin.